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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Trade wars are class wars?

Michael Pettis was born in Spain, educated in the US, and now teaches economics in Beijing. His book 'Trade Wars are Class Wars' argues that the problems of the past few decades do not have their roots in geopolitical conflict or incompatible national characters but have been caused by massive transfers of income to the rich and the companies they control. He further argues "regular people everywhere are being deprived of purchasing power - and tricked by chauvinists and opportunists into believing their interests are fundamentally at odds". He backs this all up with detailed technical arguments that I find as persuasive as the arguments Taibbi makes in 'Hate Inc'. Would you consider having him on the show?

Safe as Houses

Do you know of any plausible alternatives to home ownership as a vehicle to build wealth for working and middle class families or should we resign ourselves to "own nothing and be happy" while we eat our morning bowl of mealworm-bran?

Paid Content/Free Content Overlap on YouTube

Would it be possible to put something in the thumbnail of the free YouTube content that signifies that it has shown/will show up in subscriber only content? I like the content you guys put out and don't mind sifting through it, but this would make things more convenient in terms of time and making sure I don't overlook the free YouTube content that doesn't show up in paid only content.

Can you bring attention to the Adderall shortage?

Hi guys, since you two have done such a great job at brining wide attention to issues not getting coverage, I wondered if you had looked into the Adderall shortage, since it's related to other topics you've covered like supply chain issues, Big Pharma, and corporate mismanagement/withholding info from the public. According to this Bloomberg article that came out yesterday 2/16 ( posted at the bottom of this message) "In fact, the news came out almost by accident: In July, a Reddit user posted about their difficulty finding a pharmacy to fill their prescription. They contacted the FDA and received a message saying that Teva expected delays for the next two to three months. The company and the agency later confirmed the supply issues to Bloomberg News." Well, it's nearly the end of February and I still have not been able to get my prescription since October, despite trying to get it from multiple pharmacies and having my prescription changed to a different medication in the hopes it could be filled (it was Vyvanse, and no luck with that one either.) For a little bit of context, I am a 29 y/o woman who prescribed only a very low dosage of Adderall a few years ago as I entered graduate school, so it deserves to be said that I was able to get through all of high school and undergrad without this drug and was largely functional/successful. I am *not* the type of patient who struggles severely with hyperactivity or the ability to be functional in school or work – that being said, I definitely have noticed my struggle with those symptoms pick up in the last few months, so I can only imagine how hard it has been for people who DO depend on these types of medicines to be functional to have to worry each month if they'll be able to find a refill. Hope you can help shed some light on this! Keep up the amazing work you guys do.Y'all are seriously one of the few news sources I trust and tune into regularly. Also, if you do choose to do any segments on this subject, you are welcome to share any of my info which I have relayed in this email.

MSU: 3 dead, 5 wounded. Why aren't more people talking?

It's an all too grim reality that school shootings, and gun violence in general, are now a part of our normal reality. When a lone gunman decides to murder 3 innocent college students, and injure 5 others, why is it that 4 days later we know hardly anything about the situation, and the media has seemingly not picked this up? Are we simply too distracted by UFOs and train derailments? Are we at a point where only shootings that happen on a massive scale manage to capture the media/country's attention? Or does this particular shooter not fit the boogie man mold that would allow the left wing media to leverage thier anti-gun narrative? What am I missing here?