Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Austin Food and Audience Demographics

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time we have an open and honest conversation..." Saw you guys in Austin and I had two questions: 1. Where did y'all eat? 2. What are the demographics of Breaking Points audience? And what areas of the States are y'all most popular and least popular? I was interested to see the demographics of your audience. Saagar mentioned the show's audience breakdown briefly but I am curious how you get the data and what the breakdown is. There were so many different races, ages, and (perceived) socioeconomic class (it is hard to tell in Austin because those freaks could be rich but dress like a bum). I sincerely thank you both for what you do. You are bringing civility and integrity back to media.

Counterpoint link for 2/8

I didn't receive a link to the counterpoints show last Wednesday. Was this canceled because of SOTU or an oversight? In general, how can we find past counterpoints shows?


If you don’t read the comments, then where should people go to give general feedback on your show? I was greatly concerned this week that you did a whole segment based on one article which cited one anonymous source, and you splashed it with the click-baity headline “US BLEW UP Nordstream Pipeline.” This is a bad look for you. You should be aware of concerns like this from your reader base if you want your business model to continue to grow. Love the show, please excuse the constructive criticism.

Manson/CIA Connection

Hey guys! A few months ago, Saagar recommended the book CHAOS by Tom O’Neill in passing. As someone who is simultaneously obsessed with conspiracies and cults, I immediately requested it from my local public library (yes, shameless plug). I recently finished the book and am totally stunned. While the background of CIA ops involving group infiltration, drugs and outright murder are no longer surprising to me, the idea that there was some connection with what are probably the most infamous murders in American history certainly was. Though Tom admits he doesn’t uncover enough to know what actually happened with Manson and the family, I’m wondering if you have any favorite theories or best guesses. Thanks for the recommendation!

Roger Waters lambasted for speaking the truth?

It was a remarkable moment when Roger Waters spoke for the UN security council. His band mate wrote a scathing tweet calling him antisemitic before hand (for having the audacity to criticize the state of Israel). And left wing outlets where quick to use headlines like "Putin apologist". But after hearing his speech, was there something he said that was completely not true? He never said that Ukraine deserved to be invaded just that they weren't innocent as far as being provocative. What are your thoughts?