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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Environmental Impact of Covid Policies

Over the last two years, I have witnessed excess waste associated with covid policies. Because many of these policies came from those also interested in climate change, I want to know if anyone has considered the environmental impact of these policies. For example, how much petroleum was used to manufacture, ship, and distribute masks, tests, and vaccines. My son’s school required any unvaccinated student to have weekly (daily if they were an athlete) tests. These create an incredible amount of plastic and chemical waste that then went into our ground water. The school system bragged about the thousands of tests they did a day. Tests we now learn are only 50% accurate. Who is responsible for the waste? What about mandated vaccines to people who didn’t have any risk factors? How much resources did it take to create and distribute vaccines that did not stop the spread of covid. Who is responsible for the clean up of all the medical waste from these policies?

Rep. Ro Khanna on Ukraine

Hi Krystal and Saagar! When you interviewed Rep. Khanna, why didn't you challenge him on Ukraine policy? Did he condition his interview on only Saudi Arabia related questions being asked? Also, when/where does he criticize the Biden administration's approach to the Ukraine war? You have referenced it but I haven't seen it myself. Thank you!

Bill Maher - Fission vs Fusion Nuclear Weapons

Hi Krystal and Saagar, I am an expat and daily listener living in Australia. First I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do. Your podcast keeps me abreast of what is happening back home. I was listening to Bill Maher's podcast last week with Neil deGrasse Tyson. Neil was saying that modern tactical nuclear weapons do not carry a large radiation fallout risk, similar to that of traditional nuclear weapons such as what was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This was news to not only myself, but Bill Maher as well. Are you able to shed some light on this? I was always under the impression that any nuclear weapon had a fallout risk. It may even be worth a deep dive for a monologue given what is happening in Ukraine. Thanks! Justin

New online hires

Can su scribers have a vote on new online talent….I know you have a lot of friends but it would be great for us to have an idea of who we will be watching….certain folks you’all like are unwarchable for me…too much fluff and personality. I love Matt Stollef and David Sirota and would rTher them have more time than giving more time (at this time for counter points….)It appears that Ryan Grimm needs to gain more experience trying to discuss anything at length without a teleprompter. I do want to watch and support but rambling aimless chatter drives me over the edge….

Gave Counter Points a chance, but......

I have watched every episode of Counter Points so it is not like I decided this in haste. The show is too reminiscent of cable news opinion shows. There are too many references to the Left and the Right and too many discussions that group each into categories they purportedly fit into. It's not like I am unfamiliar with the hosts. I read Ryan's columns at the Intercept an have watched him since he was with the HuffPost. It's not the hosts, it's the nature of the show. Maybe it's supposed to be modeled along the lines that Crossfire on CNN was. I didn't like that show for the same reasons. Let's not forget, the beauty of Breaking Points is the commonality of the people getting shafted by cable news and the corrupt political system. The "LEFT says" and The "Right thinks" is the opposite. So respectfully, I will no longer watch Counter Points. John