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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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The Nuclear Issue

Hey Krystal and Saagar, as we inch closer and closer to a potential nuclear conflict in the Ukraine War, I find it very staggering how little I hear people concerned about this sleepwalk toward nuclear apocalypse. Voices and opinions like yours are one of few truly sounding the alarm. How would you recommend the average citizen address this/bring light to this issue without coming across as fear-mongering or overly paranoid? Thanks, love the show! :)

Breaking Washington Stalemate

What is the scenario where one party breaks through the culture war and unites a supermajority of Americans around any agenda? By a landslide presidential victory, having 60 fully-aligned senators, or passing a constitutional amendment. You have shown that class can be the thing that unites the working class and the “middle class” and maybe even the 99%. Historically this was FDR’s New Deal, but not an aim of democrats since before Clinton. Perhaps Trumpism could be harnessed in this direction, but how does that avoid becoming an anti-intectual fascism?

UN Report on China's Crimes Against Humanity - Uyghur Muslims

Love you guys. Wish you would dig into what is really happening against the Uyghur Muslims esp. in light of the recent UN Report of August 2022. CJ Werleman does incredible reporting. See:

Citizens United (#AmendTheMan)

So SCOTUS is 100% not going to be overturning Citizens United anytime soon or frankly, ever. But much like the 13th Amendment to end Slavery in the United States (minus prison labor), the 28th Amendment is truly THE issue among all issues without debate that stands in the way of us maintaining any semblance of American society that we’ve built for ourselves. If America’s age were to be comparable to a human being’s, we would be about 27. But unlike most the 27 Club members who overdosed on heroine, we, are about to O.D. on fossil fuels. Unless, we can find the path to rehab and make it, to 28. We’ve been resigned to simply sticking it to the man for far too long, as any systematic change necessary for our SURVIVAL has been stopped by this sick constitutional interpretation, much like the SCOTUS of the 1860’s that had to be challenged and overidden by constitutional amendment. We all know that this, is, the, issue. We of course also know that pretty much 99% of politicians currently elected don’t even see this issue as an issue. I wonder why. But things change fast, as we we’ve seen time and time again and will continue to see onward. Bernie’s made a proposal, but there’s so many different ways it could be done. So while we wait for more cornered elected officials to squirm when being pressed on this mother of all issues… Krystal, Sagger, how would you #AmendTheMan? Thanks for everything, - Colton

Missing Coverage on Fetterman

With the increased coverage on race, why is Fetterman getting a pass from his past terrible interactions? Below is a link to the news story of Fetterman pulling a gun on an innocent black man: With how much you talk about Fetterman, why has this never been brought up? Especially when other candidates' pasts (i.e. Hershel Walker) get properly scrutinized, why leave out Fetterman's past?