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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Biden/Tapper Interview

Hey guys, Question about the Biden/Tapper interview video that you played in the beginning of today’s show. It seemed pretty clear that the video was sped up. Was that you guys doing that or was that CNN’s editing trying to make Biden’s communication appear to be more “with it”? I am sure I can’t be the only one who noticed this…

Fetterman tax evasion

I live in Wilkes Barre PA, and in addition to the crime attack ads they are hitting on tax evasion. What is the validity of these most recent tax attack ads on Fetterman?

Coverage of Fetterman and Walker

Krystal and Saager, I first off want to thank you guys for what you are doing, my wife and I kind of mirror your views where I am a center right libertarian, and she is center left. So, we both enjoy listening to your show every day. I won’t continue to blow smoke up your butts, but we very much appreciate what you are doing. All that being said, something lately has concerned me, and I just wanted to bring it to your attention. As my title states I have had an issue with your coverage of both Fetterman and Walker, and in particular your last episode discussing Fetterman’s recent interview. This is kind of focused on Krystal’s take (And feel free to admonish me if you completely disagree, it wouldn’t be the first time I am wrong) but it seems that you’re unwilling to compare the both of them. I as a center right person am more than willing to agree that Walker probably shouldn’t be in the Senate with his inability to string sentences together however it seems that Fetterman gets a different treatment. I may be putting words in your mouth but your argument seemed to boil down to, yes he may have to see his questions and he may have cognition issues, but because I agree with his politics I am giving him a pass. Which greatly disappointed me. We come to you guys to get what we don’t from the MSM which is a fake persona hiding their biases and acting like they are impartial, which for Fetterman, seems to be how you are approaching him. Now I(unfortunately) have a lot of experience with traumatic brain injuries and strokes, as my grandfather had several strokes and ultimately died from one, and my 4 year old daughter recently received a traumatic brain injury and will suffer life long issues with that. All I would ask is that you look into how you are covering bother candidates and ask yourself if your bias is causing you to stick with this guy rather than reporting in a neutral way as to how he may actually have another stroke or even be able to be in his office. Once again love the show, this is honestly my only grievance with you guys so far and I just want to make the opinion known, I am sure I am not the only one seeing this. Respectfully, Tris Barry

Retaliation Against OPEC, and the Petrodollar

In your recent OPEC segment (10/6/22), you did not mention how possible moves to weaken OPEC's power, specifically targeting Saudi Arabia, might jeopardize the petrodollar system. If the United States takes action against OPEC, do you see this system being in jeopardy? Is there any viable, mid/long-term option (Euro, Yen, crypto) that would replace the USD? And how much would maintaining this system weigh on the Biden administration to avoid punishing OPEC or Saudi Arabia?


Could you guys please cover some of the california ballot initiatives? We have so many and it’s hard to find reliable information on them that isn’t just ads funddd by different interest groups.