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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Poll Numbers

It seems like we always hear about numbers and percentages in polls- in specific states and nationwide. I cannot remember ever being asked to participate in a poll. When we hear these statistics, what do they really mean? Where are these figures coming from? How serious should we treat them?

Philadelphia Crime Wave

Krystal and Saagar, keep kicking ass! I haven't written in yet but today I watched Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner's interview on FOX29 and got upset by the amount of excuses the DA used to deny accountable for the insane spike in crime in the city. He seemed to try to blame the spike on the Pandemic and not his policies. I don't find it helpful to try to blame anyone for what is going on in the city, but I also didn't appreciate the way he scoffed at the idea that the DOA should be held accountable for this spike. Sadly, I'm not optimistic that our current city leaders will implement any policy that will help curb some of this violence in the near future, but I am curious how you think this issue will play out in the PA Senate Race? Oz seems to be a terrible candidate, but will people show up for Fetterman and the Biden while all this is happening under their watch?

Kyle Sherman

Hey Guys, I've recently moved to California and have been hearing tons of adds for Prop 27 and Prop 26. From what I've come to understand Prop 27 would legalize sports gambling in the state and Prop 26 would keep it within Indian reservations and under their control. Clearly both sides have Uber deep pockets and have incentive to get us to vote their way but they've tried to hedge in there all the good that revenue generated from the money would go towards. I'm certain there are underlying things that we're not seeing with these two initiatives. Do you know enough on this to speak to this? Or do you know any good local journalists that would have dug into this to give me a neutral view?

Did Pelosi have a stroke? For real

I noted a lot of videos saying the is drunk. She has R sided facial droop. the nasolabial fold is slightly flatter on the R and her speech seems to be the result of a CVA. Is anybody covering this? Thank you

Government Agencies Buying Cell Data to Bypass 4th Amendment

EFF recently released a report that DHS and local law enforcement agencies have been buying user data from companies like Augury and Fog Reveal. They bundle items like GPS location, search history, and app usage, and tie it to legal identities. The IRS argued in court (successfully) that when a user grants an app location permission, they have agreed to share this information with any entity, including government agencies. No 4th amendment limit exists once you click Accept. What are your thoughts on the steps needed to protect citizens daily activities online?