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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Jordan Peterson Op Ed.

I was wondering if you saw the Jordan Peterson Op Ed regarding governmental climate policy actions. Do you have an opinion? How do you square your stated populist positions with your complicity with the systematic destruction of the poor of the world to act on climate catastrophism?

Becoming left bias?

Are you guys becoming more left bias news podcast? Seems like all the content now is bashing the right and Trump especially from Krystal. She’s clearly bias and you can tell. Also all the guest speakers are all lefty’s. Idk

Seizing voting machines and data

I vividly remember on Rising when interviewing Michael Moore how you both freaked out (justified at the time) and shut down his warning about voting machines in Michigan would get seized by Trump/accolades if the vote did not go Trump’s way. Now that it has come to light that was a possibility and also recent claims of illegal access to voting machine data may have occurred, how do you look back now on that topic?

Why does Krystal Cover the GOP and Trump?

Krystal clearly a partisan actor by her choice of words and cannot say a single bad thing about the democrats without preamble and what-about-ism of the GOP. She clearly believes that Trump is an existential threat and not worth a cold look at events. That is fair opinion, but it leaves her spiraling in emotion rants. Sagaar is not a cheerleader by any means but does a much better job in covering Trump and the GOP. Can we have Sagaar cover the GOP and Trump so it doesn’t feel like I accidently turned on CNN? Part of me suspects BP believes that a portion of the audience would tune out completely unless the coverage has this overtone. BP is likely correct about this but please dial it back. Keep up the excellent work!

Please present the Ukranian point of view

Can you please bring someone on your show to represent the Ukrainian and Eastern European point of view regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine? I think you would do a great service to your listeners to interview guests who can represent the Ukrainian point of view and also present the case for U.S. assistance to Ukraine. Two guests that I would like to see are: (1) Jessica Berlin, a German-American journalist who has covered this topic extensively (; and (2) Phillips P. O'Brien, an American professor at University of St. Andrews ( There are many others who can accurately present an alternative point of view.