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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Recapture the Rapture by Jamie Wheal

Have either of you read this book? Have you thought about interviewing him. Brilliant man. Here’s one of his Bigthinks….


What can we boomers do to help the younger generations? We've already been willing participants in the circumstances in which they have to live. Love your show. Breaking Points is what news channels should have been doing for the last 40-50 years.

From a member of the PMC

Hey, folks. I'm a member of the PMC, a vice president of the company I work for, but my politics are much more to the left of everyone else I work with... but my time at the "boots on the ground" level of the company is what pushed me leftward to begin with! I've been at odds with the ethos/spirit of job and industry for years, as I'm sure is obvious, but do you have any words of wisdom/perspective for me and people in my shoes? I know I'm far from the only one. Thanks for your work, we appreciate it IMMENSELY.

A different view on Private Equity

Love both of you and watch every show! However, I do feel like your coverage of private equity is heavily one-sided and misses the mark. After working in private equity for 10+ years, I wish you would have on a different opinion. Would you be willing to interview someone in the media who covers PE (such as Dan Primack from Axios) to showcase a more well-rounded view on the industry and the tax changes that recently were taken out of BBB/IRA?

What do liberal companies get wrong about diversity?

Read this article from NPR about the New York Times and thought it was interesting. Can you guys read and comment on this ongoing issue, especially with liberal companies?