Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Dr. Oz's next shopping trip

Do you think Dr. Oz, on his next viral shopping trip, might stop and ask the store employees what it's like surviving on a $7.50 minimum wage and no health insurance?

Working Together

What do you like about working together? What annoys you about working together?


As someone who’s interests in politics and political history has peaked since watching your show, what are your go to books on the topics, or your must reads?

Saagar's Egg Yolk Preference

Was Saagar trolling us when he recently stated that he prefers his egg yolks hard and dry? I'm struggling to wrap my head around how that could be someone's voluntary preference.

What's On Your Bookshelf?

Can you show us what each of you displays on the bookshelf behind you? I'm so curious what books you decided to add to it and why.