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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Episode 1 and Chapo Trap House are Cybercriminals

The podcast associated with Chapo Trap House called Episode 1 is about the criminal activities of it's member Andrew Connor Hudson. Hudson hacks the networks of women and then live streams them for an audience of unknown size but definitely includes prominent twitter users and ALL of Chapo Trap House. They watch the live stream and then make commentary on their episodes using other subjects as the metaphor or cover. Episode 1 is specifically and always about the exploits of Hudson. He's doing this to at least two other women. Please understand that Andrew (@intellegint) and his friends are cyber criminals.

Nina Turner becoming an Establishment Dem

It was extremely disappointing to see Nina Turner respond to legitimate criticism about her failure to bridge the gap with right leaning voters who now want to defund the FBI by calling those people on twitter racist and not substantively addressing the criticism. What were both of your takes on her lackluster responses to these critiques?

Congressional Dish

I'm loving your deeper dives into the news and was curious if you were aware of a young lady who delves deep into our Congress and the laws they pass. I've been listening to her podcast for a few years now, and what she does is, number one, read the whole bill that is getting passed, watch the hearings on it, absorb all the details and spit it out into a rather captivating learning experience. Her name is Jennifer Briney and she has a very similar business model to y'all and very similar takes on the cesspool that you both cover. If you're not aware of her, just thought I'd make you aware. Keep up the good work and I'll see you in ATL.

Breaking Points viewership numbers?

Saagar frequently mentions mainstream media viewership numbers and how bad they are, and often compares that to BP's numbers. What if any specifics can you tell us about the total cross platform viewership numbers of Breaking Points, and possibly put that into the context of you vs mainstream vs idk someone like Rogan?

Finland Prime Minister, party videos and America

Richard Doherty- Houston, TX Question mainly for Krystal: With the recent news of the Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin (age-36) in regard to the leaked private videos of her at a private party dancing and singing. The news says that to most citizens of Finland, that this is no big deal. However, if this had happened to a similar politician in the United States, there would have been some puritanical uproar. Do you think that the Finns can by their accepting that politicians also have private lives, can teach us a good lesson over here that politicians should be judged more by their positions and their willingness to advocate for them. Rather than when they decide to have some private fun or a private life separate from their public office. You mentioned that you had to deal with a similar situation when you ran for congress, so your thought and observations would be appreciated. Basically, will the U.S. population finally grow up about this stuff?