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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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A Kamala Pete Liz dem primary

if the Dem primary front runners are Kamala Pete and Liz I'll vote trump out of Shear contempt of the Dem party. At least we have a chance of getting a progressive policy through out of incompetence and spite. kamala Pete and Liz. God help us all.

Ryan and Emily

I've really enjoyed the interaction between Ryan and Emily on Rising Fridays, and I'm happy to see them here. Don't necessarily want to add engagement on that youtube channel, but how can I best show support for their projects? I think their quiet chemistry while disagreeing as extremely as they do is hopeful. I miss a bit of that tension on your show, but I'm happy you are saying only what you find credible.

Itin numbers- undocumented immigrants are unable to own cars

Hi Krystal and Saagar, fan of the show. I recently received a letter from our local county clerk in kentucky, stating “at the direction of the Division of Motor Vehicle Licensing our office will no longer be accepting any paperwork listing an itin for an individual” (individual tax identification number undocumented immigrants use to file taxes and transfer and own property) creating huge consequences for all undocumented immigrants IN THE STATE unable to own any vehicles. Vehicles they use to get to work, if you cant get to work you cant make a living! Is be happy to email you the letter, our local representative and Governor Andy Beshear to reverse this policy. But no luck. What should we do? Do you think this could cause a large influx of undocumented immigrants getting a traffic ticket and get deported because there were driving a car (THEY CANT OWN) to get to work?

Why is Ryan Grimm on Breaking Points?

I don’t understand, Ryan Grimm sank the Hill because of his hack partisan reporting….why is he on breaking points? You should have reporters like Kim Iverson that people actually trust. I have no issues with the perspectives of the others, I am even fine with Kyle…but Ryan Grimm…come on.

Lack of Alex Jones trail coverage

I'm curious why you chose not to cover the Alex Jones trail. It seems it should be of interest, considering he's one of the most controversial figures of "new media", and that the underlying basis of the trail was largely about freedom of speech online. You covered the Depp/Heard trail ad nauseam for some reason, but narry a peep about Alex Jones. Is it because of your mutual connection to Joe Rogan? Just wondering. I found it odd. Love you guys! Thanks!