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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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How can our politics break the Trump dominance?

Saagar, recently you've spoken a lot about how all that matters in the republican party is allegiance to Trump, and while I think you're absolutely right, I can't help but thing it is a defeatist point that leaves no room for discourse. What do you think people, especially Republicans, are supposed to do to fight back or change our politics for the better? I can't helo but think that we see unprecedented problems daily and try to come up with and debate solutuons but for some reason with Trump we are just supposed to throw our hands up and give up. What do you think?

Trump and GOP Policy

Saagar, after listening to your Thursday monologue (regarding Trump’s dominance of the Republican party) - do you think the GOP even has to discuss policy to win the midterm elections? Or does the stop the steal, mar-a-lago raid, let’s go Brandon script win the Midterms?

Jimmy Carter Biography

Hey Saager, I’m interested in reading the Jimmy Carter biography you’ve referenced, but I don’t recall you ever sharing the title. Also, do you have any other historical book recommendations? It might be time for a Breaking Points book club. Looking forward to seeing you guys down here in Atlanta next month.

I have to break the rules and start by saying how relieved I am to have run into the both of you and watch you grow, and not fast enough for the sake of society, in my opinion. My question. I wonder if you’ve heard anything about Russia’s search engine lately. I’ve seen a lot of people share it on social media talking about how Russia doesn’t filter their social media. As skeptical as always, I figured my first question would be a strange one. Albron

Ashraf Ghani

Saagar, what are your thoughts on Ashraf Ghani's CNN interview?