Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Has CNN Actually changed?

You made a comment on Tuesday's show that CNN's new ownership wants less partisan coverage, has that happened yet? Seems like they haven't implemented the plan as evidenced by Brian Stelter's most recent interview of Paul Krugman. What are your thoughts on that?

This one is simple

Accurate or not, you two have the reputation of being "anti-establishment" ... honestly. For both of you, who is the last president you either liked and/or believed did a good job in office? It would be fun to hear comment on each other's selection, as well as your own justification in support of your guy.

Pelosi Sucks

Surely the Speaker wouldn’t put our country in danger just to sweep her husbands court case under the rug…..right?

Pesticides/herbicides and rural health

Can you do a segment on pesticides and herbicides like atrazine and glyphosate and human health? Supposedly sperm counts in rural areas have dropped quite a bit, worth covering. On a side note it would be interesting if you had a reporter who was a scientist or doctor who could cover this type of story in depth

Navy’s Red Hill fuel detected by Honolulu Board of Water Supply

Have to start by saying thank you for such an amazing body of work — longtime fan since Rising, recommended your 2020 book multiple times. This is more a plea than a question, because as a fan and amateur journalist I understand there are many factors that determine which topics make the cut for your show (including coverage by others, which I assure you could be more). But please, help keep up some pressure/focus in DC on the water crisis in Hawai‘i. The Honolulu Board of Water Supply’s test well recently showed potential contaminant migration from the Navy’s fuel leaks; apparently ‘non-actionable’ levels but still raising new alarms since BWS previously found no contamination in municipal lines. Please, do at least one segment on Red Hill — but really, the decades-long colonial militarism, crime against humanity, national security implications, energy policy tie-ins, government transparency and accountability, etc. seem right up your alley. Some good parallels to Camp Lejeune, NC, hopefully in terms of belated justice as well. No hard feelings if you don’t even see this, but again, huge fan and thank you for any attention to this ongoing issue from across the country. Take care!