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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Manipulating Public Opinion

I am among the many people who found myself watching the entirely of the Depp/Heard trial. I don’t want to express any opinion in regards to who is right or wrong, but I was quite surprised and somewhat concerned to see that nearly 100% of social media (and news media for that matter) were overtly pro-Depp and, at times, aggressively anti-Heard. I expected a much more polarized debate to emerge from this trial but instead, everyone seems to be in agreement. Do you think there may be any validity to Heard’s assertion that a negative media campaign was launched against her, and if so, are you concerned that public opinion can be so easily manipulated with power and money?

Preferred candidates for senate/house for every state

Hi Krystal and Saagar, This may be asking a lot but I’m a huge fan and genuinely value your perspective when it comes to which candidates you favor. Saagar recently said that he would vote for DeSantis which immediately gave DeSantis more credit in my mind. Would you both be able to outline your ideal candidates for those running for house and senate for each state? I think that would have a lot of weight for your fans as we’re voting in our respective elections. Personally I’m in Oregon so maybe you can give your thoughts on my home state. Thank you love the show!

When does your name show on credits?

How long does it take to show after becoming a lifetime member?

Historical perspective on Proxy Wars

Hi Saagar, I'm curious if you think a correlation could be drawn between the American Revolution -- which could be said to be a proxy war between England and France -- and the current Ukraine conflict. The French Revolution of 1789 was not wholly caused by the resources spent in aid to the Americans, but could be considered a factor. Have you given this any thought? Thanks.

Jan 6th Deaths

I have a hard time believing the reports and current mini series on Jan 6th. At the end of the day Deaths are the one statistic that I feel is very hard to ignore. They are claiming that 5 Officers died defending the capital. But I'm reading that those 5 officers all died after Jan 6th. The one who died on the 7th was ruled as natural causes, he had a stroke and the other 4 were suicides. Why would 4 officers commit suicide after Jan6th? There must be a good reason but i'm struggling with Jan 6th being so traumatic when no officers died or even spent any significant time in the hospital? It's very confusing can you guys cover this?/