Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Populist Libertarians

You both frequently decry the “libertarian” leanings of the DC elite, but I would describe that as corporatism/cronyism and not a genuine desire for free markets. Would you ever talk to populist libertarians like Dave Smith about your disagreements on the economy, markets, regulation, and the Fed? Think it might be an interesting conversation, but mostly an expansion of the populist umbrella. Love you guys

Netflix Three Mile Island series

Can you please give us a review segment of the Three Mile Island series and how do you reconcile that with your support for nuclear power ? What do you say to the issues that so called efficient and cleaner nuclear power takes ten years to build at a time when we don't have ten years to prevent runaway Climate Change ?


Have you guys seen the Youtube competitor called Odysee? It's the best Youtube competitor I have ever seen. Watching videos on Odysee is as easy and comfortable as playing them on Youtube in my experience. The best thing about Odysee is that it is open source and has a peer-to-peer architecture, which means that if the people running it ever sell out or get shot by a "lone gunman" it is extremely easy for other people to deploy a replacement. They are also set up to allow users to pay for content via cryptocurrency (which in these censorious times makes a lot of sense).

Quantifying Ukrainian Aid

Why is nobody in the MSM quantifying the $40B sent to Ukraine? Per readily available statistics, that much money pays the average American electricity bill for a year!

WHO Pandemic Treaty

Can you air one of your guests look into this WHO Pandemic Treaty? Has it given power of any kind over federal and state levels in the event of a pandemic?