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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Supplemental news

Any recommendations for supplemental news? Specifically, written news. When looking for additional news sources-I never know if I should subscribe to certain journals/say fuck it and only look at substacks of journalists I know & trust/or another route. Looking for a measured view on things to be able to form my own opinion around

Krystal v Saagar on international relations

Through all of this Ukraine posturing, it is refreshing to hear Saagar repeat over and over again that 'wars of territorial conquest are out of date'; that is a principle everyone should be supporting. While Krystal is very clear about the ongoing crime of Israel annexing more and more Palestinian land by force, Saagar typically stays quiet. He is great on Uyghurs, but has callously joked supporting India in Kashmir. Saagar's geopolitics are hard to read, whereas I think Krystal is both anti-war but also pro human rights and international solidarity. Would love to hear Saagar square his politics on Uyghurs/China, India/Kashmir, and Israel/Palestine for us.

Reason Voting Rights is Pushed?

What are your thoughts on this idea on the reason the voting rights bill is being pushed so relentlessly hard by Democrats. Democrats are aware that they will likely lose in 2022, but when they do they can push the narrative they lost due to changes to oppressive ("Jim Crow 2.0") voting laws in certain states? The subsequent message would then be that to defeat the Republicans voting takeover requires the election of the Democrates in 2024. Basically, lose 2022, push voting rights, win 2024, which right now seems like a long shot too. So, in essence, the Dems are playing a long game.


How can we get term limits for my corrupt government representatives?

No Longer Considered Fully Vaccinated

No longer considered fully vaccinated but had 2 doses and had omicron. Now NJ is forcing people to get boosters or lose job in health care. When vaccine came out they wanted you to wait 6 months from contracting covid before getting vaccine but now for the booster no such guidance. What would be the reason to wait then but not wait now? I am confused on mandates when no studies back up value of getting booster after omicron.