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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Navient Student Loan Settlement

From the NYT article: "The private loans Navient made were — in the company’s own words, according to legal filings — a “baited hook” that the lender used to reel in more federally guaranteed loans. At some schools, it anticipated that more than 90 percent of the loans would default. Navient, which did not admit any fault in the settlement, said it did not act illegally." This reads to me as "We legally extracted money from the Federal government through dishonest and financially unsound business practices." Is that about right?

College students thoughts on failure of Biden to address student loan debt

We hear general apathy about Biden not eliminating (even partially) student loan debt on a mass scale, but what does that translate to from students who are still faced with drowning debt? This one issue, IMO, will be one of the greatest catalysts of the Democratic "slaughtering" that is coming in 2022. If the younger generations decide that voting or engaging in any real way in 2022 is a waste of their time, what does that mean to the Establishment? I believe finding a real student advocate that can speak truth to power on this subject would make for a great interview!

Sen. Cruz Grilling FBI

Clarification point: Sen. Ted Cruz is purposefully asking questions of the FBI that he *knows* the Bureau cannot answer in a public setting. He's using this to score cheap political points (this is a tactic pols on both sides use on occasion). I can almost guarantee you that Sen. Cruz and his colleagues are given the answers to his questions during the CLOSED door hearings.

The Unity in Community

How can we have a more functional government? Less lobbying? Infrastructure should pay us back, but if the dollars don't go very far (for ex. broadband), nobody wants to pay taxes. China is terrifying but they do have high-speed rail. How can we compete? What would make a government that people want to invest in?

Youtube shorts

Hi Krystal and Saagar, First off I love you guys and am a supercast subscriber. I wanted to ask about whether you would take a poll or consider adjusting how the shorts are labeled and marketed on YouTube. I think you guys always have very reasoned discussions, but sometimes the previews on the shorts look like a lot of mainstream media clickbait. I often would like to share some of your discussions with family and friends but am afraid those that are more traditionally politically entrenched will immediately dismiss without even listening. Love y’all!