Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Can you explain the opposition to voter ID?

As a Canadian, I show my ID to vote, it's a very simple process and there are options to secure an ID from your municipal government quite easily. I have never fully understood the case against voter ID in the U.S.. Is it more difficult to secure a basic ID with proof of age an address? Especially following the COVID vaccine passport requirements in many left leaning municipalities, which would have required a proof of ID to use, I do not understand the politics behind the resistance to it.

Twitter is NOT a First Amendment issue...

I don't understand why when you guys talk about Twitter keep referring to as a free-speech issue, and they're violating the first amendment. Twitter is a private company, and the first amendment only addresses the government. Twitter is a private company. They can do anything they want and censor anybody since the first amendment does not apply to them.

Should I vote

I’m 19, 2024 will be my first presidential election I can vote on. My question is if I don’t support either candidate who wins the primaries should I even vote. I feel an obligation to, and a pride in making a vote: however, I don’t feel pride in voting for these clowns on the ballot. Been a supporter for over a year, you guys have helped me more than you know, thank you.

All primaries on same day

What are the pros and cons of having a single day where all 50 states have their primary (specifically during presidential years)? I’m very much in favor but also not sure I have an idea what any con would be.

Difference between Social Media and Newspapers?

Hello, Love the show. As much as I support free speech and disagree with all the numerous attempts to censor and control narratives, I am having trouble seeing the difference between internet companies like Twitter and Facebook, and newspaper publishers back in the days before the prevalence of the internet. Both types of media are privately owned and display content to attract advertisers. How is Twitter’s banning of certain content different than a large newspaper controlling which articles, editorials and letters are printed in their paper? Can’t they both control content however they want to in/on the platforms they own? Before the days of the internet, people did not expect that everything sent in to a newspaper would actually appear in print, and that was not considered infringement of free speech. Regarding the internet, it seems to me that someone can expect the right to true free speech on their own website or blog site, but once they post on a site owned by someone else, they become subject to that person’s judgement regarding what is appropriate. How is Twitter engaged in censorship?