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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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BP Documentary / BTS

Hi-o! Would you guys ever consider filming and releasing behind-the-scenes of a day at Breaking Points? I'd be curious to see how the sausage is made with such a stellar but tight-knit team. As always, thanks y'all.

Liquid Death

Krystal/Saagar, I'm in the series D round (latest round) of liquid death. If you guys are interested, I think there's one investor in this round that has a liquidity issue and may be willing to sell his position ($100k). I thought it was overvalued as well until I saw the financials and the multiples the market gives on this (e.g. Monster/Celcius/Nungfu water). Of course if you invest, you probably shouldn't talk about it on the show anymore to avoid conflicts of interest.

video clips speed

Hi Krystal and Saagar - love the show, been on board since that fateful summer of 2019. I've noticed that when you play video clips on the show, they seem to be at 1.5X speed. This can work well in some cases - Biden sounds so lucid - but other times it can be distracting or hard to follow. Why do you speed up the clips? is it just to save time, or is there a copyright reason?

Hospital privitazation

Wondering if you guys saw the article in the NYT yesterday about how in-patient pediatric hospital wards are being shut down across the country in favor of more profitable adult beds? And how this was exacerbated during COVID? I can say from experience working with at-risk populations that this is also true of psych beds. NY lost 20% of its inpatient psych beds during COVID and they aren’t being converted back. Now it’s almost impossible to get people admitted. Seems like an issue that is ripe for some Breaking Points coverage. Would really like to see a push to build public hospitals. Thanks! You guys are the best.

Alex Jones Penalty

What are your thoughts on the ruling that Alex Jones pay $965 million to the families of victims of the Sandy Hook shooting? I think we can all agree that Alex Jones is a terrible, self-interested person who has profited greatly from spreading lies, and while I have no sympathy for him following the ruling, I do think this sets a precedent with regards to free speech; what are your thoughts on the ruling?