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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Iran crisis

Guys, could you please cover the ongoing Iran crisis? Seems like it has gone completely unnoticed by the mainstream media. Thank you! Tariq

Credit Suisse

Any thoughts or analysis on what is going on with Credit Suisse and potential global impact?

Should the marjory stoneman douglas high school shooter get the death penalty?

I was a high school senior when it happened and it freaked me out at the time, I have been following the hearings since he plead guilty a year ago. The prosecutor wants him executed and is putting up a hell of a fight to make that happen, since there is no question as to if he did it or not, do you guys think he should be get the death penalty? PS: keep up the great work!

Nord Stream Sabotage Does not require a Nation State!

Where the pipeline failed is supposed to be 100 to 120 meters of depth? There are contractors with the skills and equipment who can work at that depth,

Uvalde update

Could you please do an update on what's going on in Uvalde? I live in Tx and it seems like everybody in charge is wanting this to go away quietly. The DPS chief said if they did something wrong he would step down (that hasn't happened). I get the feeling everybody is moving on and that is disturbing.