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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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We're not the worst out there are we Is???

So I broke down and wouldn't premium what you guys I'm really excited because now I get to actually watch you guys I've been listening to you since you created breaking points and 1st Hergie guys on Rogans Podcast OK crystal yes I have a crush on you and it was killing me not to be able to See you I'm sorry you're just chill you're just chill as hell and I like how you guys are a good Pair I was partaking in my medication for the evening and when on a bench and watch like you watched like 7 or 8 episodes he guys and how how do you guys get to talk about how corrupt all these countries in the world are and When you're really thinking about it we're actually the worst of them all except for China disappearing people We're about as corrupt as they come we just call things nicer names names and we've tried to come across like the good guy but wouldn't reality everything we do everything our government does right now has a hint of corruption interruption and when it comes down to it at least the other countries are being transparent about a lot of it we're trying to hide it in the fact that Our government officials are incompetent stupid criminal or all of the above playing stupid To crimes doesn't make them legal Anthony Foucci Should have been gone a long time ago and I don't think the country believes that He could be this evil on purpose I just wonder if you guys think the same thing I mean every aspect of Our country is corrupt, or drone striking If someone they shouldn't be or just too old to be in office anymore. Skeletor I mean sorry Nancy Polocy It's actually dangerous and the rest of it is is us or our government taking back or going back on a word we gave somebody is somebody So I'm just curious if you guys feel the same way that are society is so damaged or so ridiculous I don't know whether to cry or to laugh my ass off I've chosen to laugh my ass off since I've been old enough and smart enough to follow all of it but I appreciate you guys because there is a lot of things that I wouldn't understand unless you guys explain Them to us like we're all 6 it's all 6 I've been in finance for 25 years and was part of the mortgage crisis and part of the credit crisis and always followed the money was smart enough to follow the money and I've helped people with collections and mortgage refinances and it's doesn't that settlement programs and all the above and when it comes down to it it's all about timing and when our government decides to give us a little peace I've what they're taking a lot of Sorry to ramble I guess the question is do you think it's unreversible do you think we're royally screwed and there's not much we Can do but watch and see what happens I'm kind of interested in some of the psychologists if you look at it your news your news as you just have sections at the bottom of the screen it's a different topic and the comedians are going to work lol OOL love you guys keep up to good Work

Housing affordability

Hi Krystal & Saagar. As a millennial, housing affordability seems perpetually out of reach. I find that most people have a pretty good idea of the problem. However, I rarely hear ANY serious policy proposals at the federal level that voters could get behind (IE: M4A, Green New Deal). How can we advance this issue?

Four Hours at the Capital

Hey guys, I love the show and tell everyone to check y’all out. I’ll keep it short and forgive me if you spoke on this and I missed it. What is tour take on Four Hours at the Capital? If you haven’t seen it yet I hope you do and talk about it. Thanks, keep up the good work.

Do you still think that they should mint a trillion dollar coin?

Do you still think that minting a trillion dollar coin to pay off the debt is a good idea? If you have changed your position, what exactly caused it? If not, what would ?

I think Black Rock should have a new motto.

New Motto: Black Rock: Dead birds, dead fish, dead bears, barren landscape. Give us Money. We own the last of the truffula seeds.